Google Makes Shopping Ads Free Globally

Google is coming up with shopping ads free globally. This decision comes up because of the financial crisis due to this pandemic. This free listing is not just beneficial for retailers but numerous people who are now doing online shopping. With ads free shopping, Google displays more products in front of the people who actually need them.

As per Google, this rollout has significantly enhanced the engagement between the consumers and merchants. A lot of businesses will be generated with this free listing. But for the retailers, who are capable to pay for the Google shopping listings have the option to do it. The paid listings will continue to appear according to their ad slot in the search result. They will pop up in the shopping tab above the free listings.

Who Can List Free Products?

Merchants who are selling physical goods can have the benefit of unpaid product ads. The free listing started in the US in April 2020. It will implement globally up till mid-October as announced. You can now easily go for PPC campaign management with the free listing of the products. The implementation will take time so not all the countries can get the advantage of listing their products for free right away.

How Google Will Help You?

1. Not a compulsion to add products in Google shopping 

It is a great relief for the businesses and merchants as Google has come up with the Google shopping tab which will give the same playground for all the business whether big or not. Merchants don’t have to invest in the shopping ads program to display their products in Google shopping.

One thing you have to do is creating the merchant’s account and prepares your feed to upload it to the account. To get the first free listing approved, sign up on this Google platform. 

2. Smooth Process for Shopify Merchants 

If you are working on the Shopify store then it is a smooth platform for you. The option available on the Shopify store which is Google shopping feed and action will do the work for you. The only thing you have to do is installing the application and the CedCommerce professionals will assist in the onboarding process.

3. How is it Advantageous for Advertisers?

There are no good changes for the advertisers as you can still display the products in the Google shopping tab below the sponsored tab. Still, because of the change in the dynamics because of free listings, there is yet to know about the metrics related to the organic ranking. You will get to know about the augmentation between the organic and paid listing in some time.

Working of Shopping Ads Free Globally on Google 

Working of Shopping Ads Free Globally on Google

1. From the Perspective of Consumer

From a consumer point of view, working will be very smooth and easy. When they will search for a specific keyword then they will get the results for the paid results as well as the products that are listed for free below the shopping tab.

2. From the Perspective of New Users of Merchant Center

This program can now be accessible by the new sellers. To use the program, they don’t have to click on Google Ads. Google is now working hard towards onboarding the new sellers in the coming months. Up till then, the new merchants can go for the opt-in surface across for the Sign Up at the merchant center and complete their feed.

3. For the Existing Sellers Having Merchant Account or Google Ads 

The existing seller can get benefit from “Surface across Google”. With this, they don’t need to put extra effort. They can showcase their products properly with unpaid experience. 

Differentiation between Paid Ads and Free Product Listings 

Some of the major difference between both the paid ads and free product listings are:

1. Visual Display 

For the desktop user, the difference is barely visible and for mobile users, it is a bit interesting. According to the category, Google displays the products differently such as the product image for clothing will take more space and the space for the technical items description.

2. Placement

The unpaid listing will come after the paid results.

3. Compare According to Store Feature 

When you are browsing through free ads than the shoppers can compare the pricing of the products by store. This will most likely tip to the scale for the shops giving the best price. This will provide you better consumer experience encouraging more people to visit the shopping tab.

How Does Free Product Listing Appear?

The free listing is the same as the paid shopping ads. Both of them include the same ad elements as product title, image, optional information, and free shipping label.

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